
Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution


Episode 4 1 Season 4 Episode


Rod Willis, the local talk radio host who has been giving Jamie a hard time since day one, is still a huge doubter of the revolution. Yet Jamie keeps returning to Rod's show hoping he'll eventually see the light. The two adversaries make a bet. If Jamie can get a thousand people to come into his kitchen to learn how to cook, Rod will consider changing his attitude and buy him a beer. Jamie has five days to make it all happen. To entice some of the 14,000 kids at Marshall University to visit his kitchen, Jamie enlists the aid of a dance choreographer to help with a "Flash Mob." Jamie says, "A Flash Mob is about creating a really unusual experience in a really normal place and shocking everyone with something brilliant." What's the "something brilliant," you ask? Let's just say you have to see it to believe it. Dozens of tables are set up on campus. Music fills the air. Dancers pop portable burners and woks onto their tables. Their synchronized dancing quickly draws in curious observers. The entire crew is rockin' and wokin'. It's a total party. The music ends, the stir fry is done and a college campus is instantly inspired.

21 Mar, 2010
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